June 6, 2018, midnight
By : Eric A. Scuccimarra
Even though I only have 1/5 of the images uploaded so far, I decided to do some tests to see if this method would work. It does, but it took quite a bit of tweaking to get performance to reasonable levels.
At first I just plugged the new dataset into the old graph, and this worked but was incredibly slow with the GPU sitting idle most of the time. I tried quite a few different methods to speed the pre-processing bottleneck up, but the solution was simpler than I had thought it would be.
The biggest factor was increasing number of threads in the tf.train.batch from the default of 1. This one change made a huge difference, cutting the training time down to about 1/4 of what it had been.
I also experimented with moving some pre-processing operations around, including resizing the images individually when loading them and after being batched. This had negligible effects, but resizing them individually was slightly faster than doing it as a batch. In general I found that the more pre-processing operations I moved to the queue (and the CPU) the better the performance.
This version still trains at about 1/2 the speed the tfrecords version did, which is a big difference, but the size of the training set has increased by orders of magnitude so I guess I can live with it.
The code is available on my GitHub.
Labels: python , machine_learning , tensorflow , mammography
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